Sylvanian Families...

The Grand Piano Concert Set is a figure and accessory set containing Lionel the Lion pianist and a grand piano. The Lion pianist has special hands to touch the keyboard. He wears a stylish tuxedo, perfect for his recital. A stool and score are also included. Collect the Violin Concert Set and Cello Concert Set too to enjoy a piano trio recital.
Combine with shops, furniture, and figures of the Town series for more fun (all sold separately).


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The Grand Piano Concert Set is a figure and accessory set containing Lionel the Lion pianist and a grand piano. The Lion pianist has special hands to touch the keyboard. He wears a stylish tuxedo, perfect for his recital. A stool and score are also included. Collect the Violin Concert Set and Cello Concert Set too to enjoy a piano trio recital.
Combine with shops, furniture, and figures of the Town series for more fun (all sold separately).


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