The Tomica story starts back in 1970, when model cars mainly referred to imported 1/64 scale models of foreign cars or larger 1/43 scale models of Japanese cars for collectors. It was then that Tomica’s founders embarked on their mission to give the children of Japan small diecast cars based on the vehicles produced by Japan’s own automobile makers. Tomica products were refreshingly different: modeled on made-in-Japan vehicles, they came in sizes that fit easily in the palm of a child’s hand. Diecast bodies gave them an authentic feel, and they were painted using the same baked enamel finish used on real automobiles. With these features, plus extras such as precision suspension and ultra-smooth performance, all at a very reasonable price, Tomica’s popularity grew rapidly. Today, around four in every five Japanese children under the age of eight own at least one Tomica product. Times have changed since the birth of Tomica, but the childhood love of vehicles has endured, and Tomica has grown into a long-selling brand enjoyed by children and parents across three generations. These days, there are 140 models in the Tomica diecast lineup at any one time. The lineup is continually being refreshed with the release of a new model on the third Saturday of each month.
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