Created in 1983 by Shu Uemura, a pioneering Japanese makeup artist known worldwide, shu uemura expanded internationally in three fields: makeup, skin care and professional accessories. Shu uemura makeup is packaged in an artistic palette containing the latest colors and textures, for natural or more sophisticated looks. The products are simple but always unique. The pure, modern packaging is a window to display the extraordinary variety of color shades, where exciting new technology in color is displayed. Each year, the brand releases coveted limited collections created in collaboration with artists. Among them, Karl Lagerfeld, Wong Kar Wai or Mika Ninagawa.
Based on the philosophy of its founder that “beautiful make-up starts with beautiful skin” with shu uemura cleansing ritual cleansing with its legendary oils. Boasting the latest cosmetic discoveries, shu uemura skin care is formulated from rare Asian plant extracts. Both gentle on the skin and effective, they work in perfect harmony with the skin and naturally improve the skin’s metabolism.
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